How do I work with a panelized board? - YY1

The YY1 machine supports working with panelized boards and is used when creating multiple common boards at one time. Follow the steps below to program your machine for panelized board setup.

  1. From the home page, select your file from the list.
  2. Click the Panelized PCB button. 

  1. Within this page, enter the Unit Width and Unit Length of your PCB. To do this, it is recommended that you measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the PCB from one component’s location in the first panel to the same component’s location in the next panel. This accounts for correct spacing. See image below as a reference.
  2. Then enter the number of rows and columns for your panelized board layout. In this example below, there are 4 columns and 2 rows.
  3. Once you have done this, you can continue programming the machine accordingly.

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