Tape Feeder Setup - YY1

When setting up your tape feeders, you need to ensure that both the Pick Position and the Needle Position are aligned correctly for each feeder. You also have the option to perform a pick test. The tape feeders are numbered 1-52, and each has a pitch value, which refers to the spacing between each component in the tape. This value tells the needle how far to move.

Follow the steps below to align your feeders and prepare for successful component placement.

Setting Up the Tape Feeders: Steps for Success

  1. Access the Tape Feeder Page: From the home screen on the YY1 user interface, click Feeder Settings. This will open the necessary Tape Feeder page where you can check and adjust the pick and needle positions.
  2. Selecting the Feeder: In the Tape Feeder page, you will see a white box displaying feeder numbers 1-52, which allows you to move through each feeder and check their alignment. Use the green arrows on either side of this box to select the first feeder that is loaded with a tape and reel.

  1. Checking the Pick Position: Click the green button labeled Pick Position, and the placement head will move to the selected feeder.
    1. Use the camera display to check the pick position by assessing the location of the intersecting red lines over the component.
    2. If the red lines are not centered over the first exposed component, use the arrows to adjust the placement head's position.

  1. Checking the Needle Position: For the same feeder, click the green button labeled Needle Position, and the placement head will move to the small hole above the component.
    1. Follow the same process as in Step 3 to assess and adjust the needle's position so that it is centered over the small hole.

  1. Repeat for Each Feeder: Repeat Steps 2-4 for each feeder containing a tape and reel to ensure proper alignment for every tape feeder in operation.

Pitch: The pitch value is always an even number and must be divisible by 4. For smaller components, the pitch can be set to 2mm. The standard pitch for most components is 4mm.

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